Cold Porcelain Rose Ring


Everyone can create magic with their own hands, you just need to want to! With a little patience, and after a couple of hours, a beautiful flower will bloom in your hands. Even a beginner can make such a ring, it is especially interesting to do this with children. So, let's begin.
Materials and tools.
1. Cold porcelain green and pale pink.
2. Three pieces of wire or pins. At the end of the wire, make a loop with round-nose pliers.
3. The basis for the ring.
4. Crystals.
5. PVA glue.
6. Brush and stack for rolling porcelain.

Modeling a flower and buds
From pink porcelain, we roll a droplet with a diameter of about 1 cm on our palms.

The second pink droplet is half as much. The third, green, is slightly smaller than the second. These will be the basics of the flower and buds.
Apply glue to the wires and put droplets on them.

We simulate six more drops, three smaller and three larger. From them we roll the first petals of our composition.

We apply glue on a large base and begin to glue more petals to it, overlapping.

We do the same with a smaller base, until we touch the green. For the base of the flower we sculpt 4 more petals, glue the same with an overlap.

Using the stack, we roll out another 5 petals about 2 cm in size on the wide side. Two, three petals can be decorated with crystals, but this is a matter of taste. We put a drop of glue on the petal and with the help of a stack or a toothpick we press the crystal into porcelain.

We bend each petal from the wide side, giving them a shape.

These 5 petals are glued to the base of the flower.

Our rose is ready!

We begin to create sepals. Roll out of green porcelain 10 elongated and thin drops. Four more for the flower, 3 medium for the pink bud and three small for the green. Slightly flatten them.

We glue it first on the buds, as the rose will have to tinker a bit. After that, we roll it around a small ball and thread it from below onto the wire, roll it by 0.5 cm.

Proceed to the flower. Carefully remove it from the wire. With nail scissors, we cut off excess porcelain from below. This part should be as flat as possible so that it lays well on the base for the ring. Apply glue to the back of the flower and glue the green blanks.

Ring assembly and final joy
Roll green sausage 2 cm long from green porcelain, flatten it. We apply PVA glue to it and thread it through the base for the ring, so that the base is in the middle of the “sausage”. Then on both sides we bend it from above to the base, creating something like a pillow. We apply glue to it and fix our buds, having previously shortened them to the desired length.

Once again we coat with glue and fix the flower so that delicate buds look out from under it.

Leave to dry for 24 hours. If desired, apply acrylic varnish. And in the end, we get a beautiful composition created by our own hands. You can create such beauty for yourself so that a tender rose with dew drops blooms on your finger, or make a unique gift for a loved one. The main thing is that everything turned out and you became the creator of a wonderful product!


Watch the video: Homemade Airdry Clay Rose with useful tips Cold Porcelain Clay RoseGumpaste Rose (October 2024).