DIY marble concrete floor in a garage


The owner of a concrete-coated garage is familiar with one tricky nuance of revising or cleaning a garage space. This is an unpleasant moment. Few people want to talk about him. It's about a concrete floor. More precisely, about its properties. No matter how you sweep away dirt and dust from it, it will accumulate the very next day. Of course, today's garages are equipped with advanced technology. They use doors with automatic opening, sensors for smooth adjustment of temperature and humidity, energy-saving lighting. But the concrete coating, by virtue of strength and wear resistance, remains an invariable element of the garage. The author of the article had a chance to improve things by improving the concrete coating with a layer resembling a strong and elegant finish in terms of characteristics. The naturalist hopes for the condescension of readers, calling his invention a marble floor.

Although the use of a protective layer over a concrete surface has been invented for a long time. But now is not about that. And the motive that served to search for coverage was simple. But only on the one hand. Annoying dust did not hold water. Especially after updating the fleet. The new car clearly required comfortable living conditions. But there were more reasons for upgrading the garage:
  • Long stay in company with your favorite car. That is, the garage has become a second home.
  • Room insulation. In particular, the ceiling.
  • Installation of automatic doors. The addition was the automatic opening from the remote control.
  • Replacing electrical wiring. Lighting has also acquired new shades.
  • Equipping the room with a kitchenette. This refers to the minimum equipment:
  • Little table.
  • Two chairs. For the owner and guest.
  • Kettle.
  • Cupboard for tea rooms and more.
  • And even a small sofa.
  • The desire to change the working style to an advanced modern design.

The garage gradually turned into a dream. That's just the floor remained pre-revolutionary.

Marble flooring technology

After reflection, a decision arose to cover the surface with a protective layer. The idea, like technology, is not new. For its implementation requires:
1. A surface with a high degree of adhesion.
2. A composite material that, when applied in liquid form, will solidify, forming a glossy strong layer.
The first condition as a concrete screed meets the stated requirements. But with composite compositions is not so simple. After all, there are ready-made epoxy mixtures for pouring floors. They are also called liquid floors. But he has one quality inferior to homemade liquid. This is a high cost. Of course, the pettiness of the garage owner will manifest itself here. And maybe practicality. Decide to those who dare to repeat. Fortunately, there are cheap and almost folk ways to fill the marble floor in the garage with your own hands. The composition of the components is simple. But those who like to spend time in the garage are people who will spend time on the final result, rather than on preparing it. Therefore, the story about technology first precedes. It consists in applying liquid polymer to clean concrete. The drying of the layer depends on the composition of the polymer prepared by hand. Therefore, the components are selected appropriate.

The choice fell on two materials:
1. Polyfoam.
2. Acetone.
However, xylene was added next. The experimenter has the right to choose a color, more precisely, its color. Since it turns out a thick liquid like a colorless varnish. If the technology of marble casting suits, then it is necessary to draw up an estimate of the production process.

What you need to fill the marble floor

The following is a list of components and tools for the job. The calculation of the material is made based on the area of ​​the garage. It is 15 m2.
  • Two liters of acetone for 250 rubles.
  • A liter of xylene for 200 rubles.
  • Black and blue colors at 40 rubles each. In principle, you can do without color. Here you need to think creatively.
  • Polyfoam is optional. After all, he, being a packaging material, can be found in any motorist.
  • Plastic container for dissolving foam. The main condition is resistance to the chemical environment.
  • Stirring tool. A simple little wand.
  • Paint brush.

Marble Flooring Steps

The steps for mixing components and coating experienced craftsmen occur without instructions. A matter of experience. But the proposed fill option does not commit errors.
The first action is to prepare the concrete space. It must be freed from foreign objects and well removed from dust. In addition, wet with water or surface treatment is not necessary. Next, the preparation of the component composition follows:
1. Take a plastic container that is resistant to acetone. A 5 liter bottle is ideal.
2. Cut off the neck of the bottle for more convenient pouring of reagents.
3. Fill the container with two liters of acetone.

4. Dissolve the foam in the amount necessary for the formation of cloudy gruel.

5. Add a liter of xylene.

6. Add color.

7. Apply the resulting thick fluid to the concrete surface.

8. After 2 hours, re-coat the floor.

It is important to carry out work in a ventilated room, regardless of the time of year. For convenience, it is better to open the garage door. Because substances emit harmful fumes. You can apply three layers. Nobody forbids experimenting with coloring. The cost depends on the size of the garage and the design preferences of the owner. Although the average amount of 500 rubles is unlikely to be unprofitable. But save time on cleaning the room.

Advantages of Acetone Foam Marble Flooring

An alternative to the proposed composition is liquid glass. But it shows where the worst performance is. When marble casting from acetone and the foam dissolved in it has a number of advantages:
  • The surface is so strong that it cannot be scratched with a nail.
  • Glossy sheen creates volume of space.
  • Almost any color scheme is available.
  • Quality at the lowest cost.
  • The protective layer is easy to wet cleaning.

The convenience of applying liquid foam is not a problem. After all, the density of the consistency allows you to work with a paint brush. The main thing is that foam, as a consumable, is available everywhere. Therefore, it remains the design ability of the owner of the garage.


Watch the video: White & Black Marble Epoxy Floor. Step-By-Step (October 2024).