With the help of a metal raiser, you can draw marking lines on the blanks. Moreover, the lines are applied to the surface parallel to the selected main line (the edge of the workpiece). You can also use this tool as a template to transfer dimensions from the drawings to the part.
In constructive terms, this homemade product is very simple - everyone can make a raisin with their own hands, if desired. For the manufacture of the tool, two plates of different lengths, two bolts, four nuts and a pair of bearings will be required.
First of all, the master draws points on the front surface of a long plate with a step of 10 mm. To do this, you can use an ordinary steel ruler or tape measure.
The main stages of work
At each target point, it is necessary to drill through holes. The diameter should be such that a pencil or scriber can be inserted into the holes (if you are going to make markings for metal). Two more holes need to be drilled along the edges of a short steel plate.
In the next step, the long and short plates must be welded perpendicular to each other. From a thin strip of metal, the master makes a bracket and welds it to a short plate.
This will be the handle with which you can hold the tool in position. Then it remains only to paint the tool, number the points on the long plate, and install the bearings.
For details on how to make your own hands a simple metal T-square for drawing parallel lines, see the video on the site.