Homemade alcohol cooler


The basis of homemade work is a wooden beam with side dimensions of 100x100 mm - before using it for work, cut off the edge on a miter saw or circular. Since trimming is performed in two passes, the cut will not turn out perfectly smooth. This can easily be fixed with a grinder. You also need to grind all four sides of the timber.

To give the workpiece a more aesthetic appearance, it can be machined with a hand mill. Then it is necessary to saw off a small piece of 25 cm long from the beam. Using an electric drill with a metal brush, we make brushing of wood.

Manufacturing process

In the next step, we mill a board 20 mm thick and 13 cm wide, after which we grind its front surface. After grinding, cut off a piece of the desired size from the board - 25 cm long, and then also make brushing. The result is a simple but beautiful stand for the beam.

At a distance of 14 cm from the edge, we use a drill bit or drill to drill a blind hole in the beam with a diameter of 29 mm. In the upper part of the timber (in the center) you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 32 mm. As a result, two holes (horizontal and vertical) should intersect with each other.

At the final stage of work, we connect the couplings to each other through the fittings with a simple silicone hose, on which a spring is worn for greater flexibility. We insert the resulting part into a vertical hole and bring the edge out of the second hole in the side of the timber.

Finishing touch

In the upper flange, we drill a small hole into which we insert a copper air exhaust pipe. Then we cover the timber with varnish or mineral impregnation, attach it to the stand, and then screw the brass valve into the lower coupling. The result is a cool home-made cooler for alcoholic strong drinks.


Watch the video: Double Tap Jockey Box: A DIY Project (October 2024).