The design of this mousetrap was invented half a century ago - back in 1590, and was called "Teeth of the Dragon." To make such a trap, you will need the most common materials: wood, plywood, rope and nails. As you can see, the set of components is very simple - there are no problems in the house or workshop.
Structurally, this trap consists of three key elements: a central block of a rectangular shape, inside which there is a "trigger" mechanism in the form of a twisted rope. There is also a spatula with nails and a long round stick, at the end of which a rope with a small wooden block is attached.
The lower part of the "mouth", made of ordinary wire, which repeats the shape of the scapula, is also attached to the central block of the trap. In the middle of the steel frame there is a small “tongue”, against which the strut abuts, holding the blade with nails in the upper position.
Features and principle of action of the mousetrap
Such a system works quite simply: first, a blade with nails rises to the stop, and then a wooden spacer is installed under it, which is attached to an inclined "arrow" - a long round stick. The bar itself is additionally fixed with a “tongue”.
It is enough to touch the spacer slightly so that the trap slams. The strength of the impact depends on the degree of tension of the rope. The stronger it is pulled, the more powerful the slam will be. In most cases, from such a blow, the mouse dies immediately, without unnecessary torment. More information about the design of the mousetrap can be found in the video on the site.